Political Districts

County Board Districts

District One
Generally the northwest sector of the City of Galesburg (Precincts 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 19)
District Two
Generally the northeast sector of the City of Galesburg (Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 20)
District Three
Generally the south half of the City of Galesburg (Precincts 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 15)
District Four
Generally the northeastern townships of Knox County:  Rio, Ontario, Walnut Grove, Lynn, Sparta, Henderson (except the City of Galesburg), Galesburg (except the City of Galesburg), and Knox Townships
District Five
Generally the southeastern townships of Knox County:  Salem, Maquon, Chestnut, Indian Point, Elba, Haw Creek, Orange, Cedar, Copley, Victoria, Truro, and Persifer Townships


Federal and State Legislative Districts

As of December 1, 2021 – New Redistricting Boundaries are as Follows:

Congressional District 17 Entire Knox County

State Senate District 36

Townships of Galesburg (including City of Galesburg), Henderson, Knox, and Rio.
State Senate District 47 Townships of Indian Point, Cedar, Chestnut, Orange, Sparta, Ontario, Maquon, Haw Creek, Persifer, Copley, Walnut Grove, Salem, Truro, Victoria, and Lynn.
State Representative District 71 Townships of Galesburg (including the City of Galesburg), Henderson, Knox, and Rio.
State Representative District 93 Townships of Sparta, Ontario, Maquon, Haw Creek, Persifer, Copley, Walnut Grove, Salem, Elba, Truro, Victoria, and Lynn.
State Representative District 94 Townships of Indian Point, Cedar, Chestnut, and Orange.