Elections Information

Chief Election Official for the County

As Chief Election official, the County Clerk’s Election Office is responsible for administering all elections (federal, state, county, township, park, library, school and special districts) within Knox County, except within the City of Galesburg. There are 28 precincts with over 15,000 registered voters under the jurisdiction of the County Clerk. The Galesburg Board of Election Commissioners is responsible for elections of the 21 precincts within the City of Galesburg.  The additional duties of this office include training deputy registrars and election judges, providing polling places, providing the Directory of Public Officials, maintaining lists of precinct committeemen, filing of campaign disclosures, and maintaining files of Statements of Economic Interests.

Click here to learn about Knox Counties voting machines.


Permanent Vote By Mail Option for County Voters Information (New for 2022)

Illinois law has now made it possible for voters to request to be placed on a permanent Vote By Mail list for all Elections.  By choosing this option, voters will automatically receive a Vote By Mail ballot for every Election mailed directly to them at home.  Voters will be required to choose their political party affiliation if they wish to receive ballots for the Primary Elections.  Additional information along with the official request form will be mailed to every registered voter this Spring.  Official form is available now – Permanent Vote By Mail Application

Absentee Voting Information

Absentee (or vote by mail) requests can be made by contacting the Election department by phone at (309)345-3858, or by mail with the application for ballot which is linked below.  Requests will be processed for those voters that live outside the City of Galesburg.  If you live within the city limits of Galesburg, you will need to contact the Galesburg Election Commission to obtain your ballot.

Absentee Ballot Request Form A-7

Early Voting Information

Early voting will be available again for voters in Knox County.  Early Voting runs from February 20, 2025 through March 31, 2025.  Voters registered outside the City of Galesburg can Early Vote at the Knox County Clerk’s office during regular business  hours.  The office will also be open on certain Saturdays for Early Voting as well.  Those dates will be March 1, March 8, March 22, and March 29, 2025.  The hours for those dates are from 9:00AM until 12:00 Noon.

Voting Procedures

On Election day the polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Voters who are not able to vote in person may qualify to vote absentee. For further information regarding absentee voting or any other aspects of the election process, contact the Division of Election Services at 309/345-3858.

Sample Ballots

Sample ballots will soon be available for the upcoming Election.  Click the following link to view the sample ballot for the upcoming Election:

Sample Ballot – Knox County – Consolidated Election 2025





Click Below for More Information on Elections:

Why Should I Vote?
Election Results
Election Dates
Political Districts
Campaign Disclosure
  Candidates for Upcoming General Election