County Board

Phone #: (309) 345-3815
Fax Number: (309) 345-3801
Office Hours:  The County Board does not hold regular business hours.  Information can be obtained from the Knox County Clerk’s office.

Galesburg City Hall – Council Chambers (Regular Meetings)
55 W Tompkins St
Galesburg, IL  61401

Knox County Annex Conference Room (Committee meetings)
220 East Simmons Street
Galesburg, IL  61401

Freedom of Information Officer: Scott Erickson, County Clerk & Recorder

PUBLIC NOTICE – See the kink for the public notice from the Knox County Agricultural Areas Committee

Duties of Office: 
The Knox County Board consists of 15 members elected from the 5 County Board Districts in the County.  The business of the County Board is conducted through the committee system.  There are 5 standing committees for the oversight and budgetary control over their assigned areas.  The committees will report their activities and requests for action to the full County Board on a monthly basis.

The County Board meets the last Wednesday of each month (unless the meeting date is changed and announced at the meeting prior) at the Galesburg City Hall.  The meetings of the County Board and its committees are all open to the public and can only be closed under the restrictions set for in the Illinois Open Meetings Act.  The County Board has an approved set of Board rules that it operates under.  If an item is not addressed by a Board rule, then standard parliamentary procedure under Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, is followed.

The County Board members are elected to serve four year terms with a rotating order of terms that is established every 10 years at the Organizational meeting after the census.  Every two years the Board will conduct an organizational meeting to select a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Parliamentarian.  The County Board Chairman is tasked with presenting a slate of assignments for the standing committees to be approved by the full County Board.

How to get information:
Information can be obtained in person, by mail, or by telephone.  Requests can be made to the Knox County Clerk’s office by phone at 309-345-3815.  Requests by mail should be sent to 200 South Cherry Street, Galesburg, IL  61401.