Mobile Home Tax Bill

Mobile Home assessments are determined for tax purposes in January of each year.  The owner of record as of January 1st, is responsible for that year’s Mobile Home taxes.  Although the County Clerk computes the Mobile Home Tax bill, it is the Treasurer’s Office that has the function of mailing them out and collecting the current year and back tax payments.

Mobile Home tax bills were mailed March 13, 2025.

Mobile Home taxes are due on May 16, 2025.

Taxes not paid by the due date will be charged $25 per month interest ,up to $100.00

Any mobile home owner that has outstanding taxes will have a lien filed against their name in January of 2026, adding lien fees and cost to delinquent mobile home taxes.

Failure to pay Mobile Home Tax may result in civil action taken by the States Attorney’s Office or loss of mobile home.

A mobile home may not be moved without a moving permit signed by the County Treasurer.

The Secretary of the State of Illinois will not transfer title of any mobile home to another person or party until all taxes have been certified paid by the County Treasurer.