Taxpayers may be eligible for tax exemptions, abatements and other assistance programs. To qualify for the residential exemptions, taxpayers must own and occupy the property as his/her principal dwelling. To apply for an exemption, you need to contact your Assessor’s Office: For property located in the City of Galesburg For property located in the Townships of Rio, Ontario, Walnut Grove, Lynn, Henderson, Sparta, Copley, Victoria, Persifer or Truro For property located in the Townships of Galesburg, Knox, Cedar, Orange, Haw Creek, Elba, Indian Point, Chestnut, Maquon or Salem EXEMPTIONS ALLOWED BY ILLINOIS STATE STATUTES For a more detailed explanation of each exemption refer to the Owner Occupied Senior Homestead Senior Assessment Freeze Home Improvement
**Your tax bill reflects any exemptions you have been granted. Taxpayers may also be eligible for the Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act. You must be at least 65 years of age or a disabled person and also meet the income requirements. For more information, contact the IL Department on Aging or the local VNA office- 309-342-1152.